Just in case you haven't heard, there are
some new festivals where you can see our horse and hound:
Clemont Ferrand, France
Encounters Film Festival, Bristol, UK
BUSTER Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
Viborg Animation Festival, Viborg, Denmark
Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival, Egypt
Milwaukee Children's Film Festival, WI, USA
Anim'est Int. Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania
KROK Int. Animation Film Festival, Ukraine
Klik! Animation Int. Festival, Amsterdam, Holland
Full list

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Award at the Rhode Island Film Festival (RIIFF)
After six days and nights of screenings,
thousands of meetings and greetings, the Youth Jury on the Rhode
Island Film Festival (RIIFF) made a decision: RISING HOPE was
awarded for "Best Animated Short Film" -- Thank you, Rhode
Award winners list: www.film-festival.org

Screenings at (ITFS)the Stuttgart Trickfilm-Festival
Animation and mathematics:
1 film, 3 screenings on the 2’nd day of the festival. Take a pick:
9.5.2012, 17:00 “Open Air” in the Festival Garden
9.5.2012, 21:00 International Competition in Gloria Palast1
9.5.2012, 22:00 The 3D Stereoscopic Program in Metropol2
10.5.2012, 11:00 International Competition in Metropol2
AniFest Teplice
In Teplice we spotted the first dog-fan of “Rising Hope”. The dog Azor liked the movie. He even barked exited at the bar-scene!

Pulcinella Award "Cartoons & Sport"
„Rising Hope“ won the Special Pulcinella Award "Cartoons & Sport" on the Cartoons on the Bay Festival, in Rapallo, Italy. The award ceremony was specially scheduled earlier on the day, so the guests could enjoy a thrilling italian football derby afterwards. This is what the director said after the ceremony: „We are very happy about this award! It is perfect for us - during the production we only took breakes to play football. Actually as I was a child, I dreamed to become a professional soccer player. But then I started drawing. This was the beginning of the end of my sports carrer. So I never have won any sport awards in my life. Until now! I consider „Cartoon & Sport“as my first sport award!"
Berlinale Premiere
Rising Hope had a successful appearance at
Berlinale. After the opening of the movie we had a great Q&A
session with our children audience. The team had to answer
adorable questions such as: “Are you all rich?” or “Why is the
movie short?” . Perhaps we just had to say that Rising Hope is
short precisely because we are not rich. Meanwhile, we would
like to share some of the great reviews we have received from
the most picky critics amongst children journalists at
Berlinale Screenings 2012
13.2.2012 − 16:30 Haus der Kulturen der Welt − Kino 2 14.2.2012 −
10:00 Filmtheater am Friedrichshain 16.2.2012 − 11:00 Haus der Kulturen der Welt − Kino 2
Rising Hope
Rising Hope, who used to be the fastest horse in the world, suddenly turns into a loser. With the help of a new friend
− a jack-of-all-trades hound − he finds hope and himself again.
Joshu was a famous Chinese Zen Master. One day a troubled monk approached him, intending to ask the Master for guidance. A dog walked by. The monk asked Joshu,
"Does that dog have a Buddha-nature or not?"
Rising Hope, the main character in this short, is a famous racehorse. When he gets in trouble, a dog walks by. Well,
I don't know what master Joshu answered about the dog in his story, but I'm sure that the dog in this movie has a Buddha-nature of a kind. He shows Rising Hope how to escape from the pressure to perform and how to find his own bliss.
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